Saturday, January 5, 2019

Peoply Things

Peoply Things

I'm not so good at peoply things
like sending back an overcooked steak
or completing a to-do list
or making conversation in a freezer aisle

I'm not so good at peoply things
like meeting for lunch
or picking wet towels off of the floor 
or poltical rhetoric in an attempt to feel smart

Let's never sit and discuss 
401ks and HMOs
or how it's a buyers market
or indulge in fictional life details we make up to fit in

Instead - 
can we just -
talk about the callous on your hands
and what you were doing
or why my feet in the earth calms my soul

I want to hear how you survived 
all those years of pushing and pulling
and whether birds sing because
they are happy or simple biology

How do you call out joy in your space?
Why own a guitar you don't play?
What secrets lay behind the lines in your face?

I'm not so good at peoply things
like writing pretty poems
with ends tied together

or telling my story
or discussing the weather

Tell me whats weathering
your soul deep inside

Describe me the colors
when you rest your weary eyes

Yes, peoply things have  time and a place

Guess i'm not so good at this peoply space. 

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