Tuesday, January 8, 2019

31 Days To Self Love: Day 8

original challenge: Blessing Manifesting

Being a mom is hard. Like really really hard. There aren't enough synonyms to accurately describe how hard it is.

It's physically hard because one minute you a making a cup of coffee or whatever and the next you have three little people pushing and pulling every part of you. If you have never experiences the wrath of a four year olds elbow in the crotch? Bro you are living your best life.

Emotionally --- the raising of three kids.... MUST be akin to a soldier in battle. You have to feed them every. night. You have to nurture them every. day. You have to listen to your kids tell you the same thing over and over and over with about a million "Mommmmmm"s interjected between breaths. If you are a momma to girls? As they get older... it's weird... they like lose their need to breath between words. My middle talks so much sometimes I just stare at her and wonder how I earth the words just keep coming.

As a mom it's your job to raise tiny humans to become actual humans others want to be around. While I prefer to eat both of my meals (okay - prefer is not really the right word here .... relegated is more accurate.) standing up over the countertop of my kitchen --- I have to teach my little mafia to sit in their seat, not chew out loud, eat their vegetables, and be polite. It's exhausting.

Teaching them to do things they need to know how to do?


I can make the worlds greatest PBJ in two seconds FLAT. Like for real. But part of being a mama is needing to teach them to be independent and make their own damn sandwich.


Mom I can't find the bread. Mom I can't find the bread. Mom where is the bread.
It's the same place it's been kept your entire 7 years on this earth moon child.

Mom where is the jelly? Mom where is the knife? Mom it wont spread. Mom Charley is looking at me. Mom charley has a knife. Mom I actually wanted cheese and mayonnaise.

Are you catching my drift? EXHAUSTION.

Teaching your mini to make a sandwich takes approximately eight hundred thousand percent more time then whipping one up yourself.

Have kids they said. It will be fun they said.


But one day -- it clicks. And you feel like you are on top of the world. Your kid made their own sandwich. Praise Jesus.

Now to get started on teaching them to clean up. Doh.

For me... parenting is the place I most need to slow down. Take my time. This morning I played Barbies with Charlotte. I left the distractions behind (ie kept the phone on the charger) and just immersed myself in play with her. As I took time to do what she wanted, to fit an entire Barbie family in that iconic pink convertible as they dash off for icecream... I was amazed. I created her. I  have invested so many parts of me... all of me... into this tiny person... and what does she pretend? About family. (Insert gushy line here. :) )

Slowing down and marveling at these tiny dictators that own my heart? Can't think of anything better.

Except maybe a tiny dictator that is self-cleaning. But we are working on that.

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