Saturday, January 19, 2019

31 Days To Self Love: Day 19

original challenge: Blessing Manifesting

By raising tiny humans.

When I was a teenager, I went on mission trips because I was determined to change the world. I wanted to be a peacemaker, healer, giver, changer.

As I got older and started having babies I realized that the important work I had was happening at home.

Yes, of course, important work can be found all over, but right now I am an influencer, lover, caretaker, teacher, and mom to three tiny humans who are growing up incredibly fast to be regular ole' you and me, humans.

I am teaching my son that the whole phrase 'boys will be boys', is not acceptable. I am teaching him that boys don't have to remain, boys, boys can grow into men. Boys can make the right choices now. They can love and be kind and compassionate and still have that adventuring spirit.

I'm teaching my girls that it's okay to fantasize about glass slippers and that whole Cinderella attitude, but they also need to focus on crushing glass ceilings. I want them to know that their gender, sexual orientation, appearance, or way of thinking doesn't stop them from being able to achieve their dreams. I've also been diligent in teaching them that whether their goals are to be a pilot, a writer, or a stay at home mama, I support them. I only wish to instill that whatever they do -- do it fully.

So my contribution to making the world a better place from the outside may not seem like all that much, but really, when you think about it, it's influencing our future and that is everything.


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