Sunday, April 28, 2019

What this blog is | What this blog isn't | Documenting my way.

I was always drawn to the idea of creating a blog and updating it. I was especially drawn to the idea of turning it into something that can make money. But I have a need to write about things I wouldn't necessarily want to use as a means to an income .... ya feel me?

I was looking at it ALL WRONG.

Yes, I can blog for money... but I need to take some parts of ME out of it.

How do you make money in just about every profession?

You answer a question. You answer the question of WHY your potential consumer needs what you are offering. How will it improve their life, happiness, or fulfill needs, etc.

This. Is. Not. That.

And... that's more than okay. I have really realized .... (flashbacks to Shrek and Donkey.... "Really Really!")

This is for me. I mean... the tag line says that... but now I truly get it.

I want to document everything.
Okay, that's a lie.

But I do want to document. I love looking back on old posts, videos, etc.

This is for me. Actually, Ashlee.

Now that we have that settled... I truly do want to consider a blog with the intention of building a brand. So I'm in the brainstorming phase. I have a few thoughts and once I have a more comprehensive list I'm sure I'll put it here.

Carry On.

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