Monday, February 18, 2019

31 Days To Self Love: Day 31

original challenge: Blessing Manifesting

I guess to answer this prompt I need to consider areas and ways in which I can love myself.


Physical movement is a way that I can show myself love but also a way I'm quick to give up on.  I'm not even really talking about an exercise program.  I've done that before. I have been a 2-a-day gym rat,  but my motivation was never self love. It was self image, others opinions of me, or preparing for an event.

I want to wake in the morning and be on my feet.  I want to move, stretch, and care for my body in this way. This can include Yoga, walks with Ellie, and keeping busy. 

Mental: My mental health needs to be a high priority in my life. I can show myself self-love by committing to take my medicine daily and on time. To work through the process with my therapist. To practice positive mantras and repeat them out loud to myself.  My mental health can be improved by lowering my stress levels.  In order to lower stress levels I think I need to be aware of my actions and how they could result in higher stress. I need to not allow others to bring unnecessary stress in my life. I need to speak my truth and move forward.  I'm aware this may mean cutting people from my life, or putting their level of importance to a different category.

Emotional: This is tricky. I want to nourish my emotional health enough to become healthy again. Right now it's pretty closed off. Not entirely, but there are definitely boundaries and walls which are hard to breech.

Emotions and Mental health tie a lot into each other. I know I need to nurture and love myself in order to come to an emotionally sound place. I also think i need to really focus on talking through thoughts, feelings,  and problems I'm encountering.  I need to support myself, and allow others to support me.

Spiritual: One way that I show myself love is by attending church each week. Worshiping God makes me feel full of love.  Prayer is another.  I like to read christian walk books as well which I find helps keep me in that state of love.

Breakdown of Goals:
1. Movement: 10,000 steps a day. Walk Ellie 4x/week. Yoga 3x/week.

2. Mental: Do my weekly homework from Dorcas. Have a mantra I recite every day for a week. Speak my truth, even if my voice shakes.  Consistent on meds DAILY.

3. Emotional: Express feelings WHEN I feel them. Do NOT apologize for having those feelings.  Remind myself that I have the tools I need inside of me to be who I want inside and out.

4.Spiritual: Attend church weekly. Begin day with worship music. Pray daily.

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