Wednesday, July 31, 2019

My writing Process

1. Get assignment/idea
2. Waste a shit ton of time doing nothing.
3. Get panicked and stressed out about deadline
4. Hunker down and write the thing KNOWING it's awful.
5. Turn in and being sure you will be ridiculed AND fired.
6. Get praise.. breathe...
7. Feel like you are the shit and you are like a legit writer.
8. Get new assignment
9. Know you are the world's worst and are totally, definitely, without doubt, fuck this one up.

Friday, July 19, 2019

"Body Positivity" #FashionablyAshlee

What if we stopped dieting? 

Like seriously ðŸ›‘

What if we just nurtured our bodies. What would that kind of mind shift do? 

Screw guilt that we impose on our selves for what we eat. 

Why does it have to be a #guiltypleasure, why not just something really freaking delicious? 

I'm learning, #bodypositivity isn't about loving being thin, fit, or fat. It's not committing to live in your body regardless of what that looks like with no intent of change. 

It's not news, that I desire my body to be more fit... but I haven't realized how much negativity was weighing me down. Much more than actual pounds. 

Being body positive is about nuturing your body in it's perfect state. Perfect state is how it is THIS MOMENT-- not some.ideal you are chasing

I will never give up caring for my body -- but I'm done #dieting

 The only thing that needs to die is the destructive language we use daily.  The internal combat I engage in daily.


P.S. I'm clearly a princess in this skirt.

Private School

Liam isn't getting into the private school I hoped he would.

I'm kinda crushed.
